Project Scope and Deliverables

Jul 18, 2022


The workflow to be utilized in order to achieve the projects desired end results.


The desired goals and functions that the completed project must be able to achieve.

For these to be determined there first needs to be a clear and defined concept of what you are trying to achieve, we will refer to this as the Client’s Desired Future State (CDFS).

During the conceptualization phase the most important task to complete is defining what the CDFS is and what metrics you will use to determine that you have achieved it.

Dart Board

Think of each project as a dart board. The goal of the project is the entire board. The identification of the CDFS and The Outlines for the metrics of success makes up the numbered segments and bull's eye on that board.

We can use the dark sections as Economical goals which are easily identifiable and measurable such a raise in sales, or decrease in customer wait time, etc.  The white sections represent the non-Economic goals which are not as measurable but are just as important; such as "how much stress will this decrease for our stafff and end users", "how much easier has this made a task?"; or it can be a emotional feeling such as "the feeling you get when you see your brand out in the wild amongst the other big-name brands".

The failure to clearly identify the CDFS and the metrics of success beforehand is the main reason you would have repeteadly gone through numerous revisions after beleiving you have completed the project. While you might have met the specifications outlined in order for the project to be complete the end results must also be to the client's satisfaction.

The problem isnt that you never did the work, the problem is that because you never clearly identified a bull’s eye as to what the end result should look and feel like, therefore you are left shooting in the dark.

How to identify you or the clients CDFS and metrics of success

The easiest method I can recommend when starting out and learning to identify the CDFS is to use the FIVE (5) WHY's technique.

Five whys is an iterative interrogative technique used to explore the cause-and-effect relationships underlying a particular problem

Let us explore an example where a client wants a Animated Sales Video that customers can watch and learn about the products they offer and how to purchase them. Using the Five Why technique we will identify the CDFS and possible metrics for success.

"We want to create an Animated Sales Video"

- Why do you want a Animated Sales Video?

"Our competitors use them to connect with younger audiences and we want to be represented in that area" Which tranlates to we care about market share.

– Why is that important?

"It gives them an advantage and we cannot afford to be left behind" Which translates to they are competitive and wish to grow their company.

– Why do you not want to be left behind?

"We are here to serve our customers. For us to do that, they have to know about our products and and how to get them" Which translates to we care about increasing our customers users experience and our distribution systems.

– Why do you want to do that?

"The more customers we are able to reach and the better we are able to serve them will lead to more of our products that they will purchase" Which translates to we want to make more money.

The Fifth (5th) Answer to the "Why Questions" contains the root reason for the Client. From here the CDFS can be derived as them wanting to better at serving their customers. This is will be achieved by creating Animated Sales Vidoes that allows them to connect to a wider customer base. Also they wish to make information about their products more accessible, while making it is easier for their customers to understand how to make and recieve orders. This should result in the increase of the company's sales as they have increased the efficiency of their marketing and sales teams.  

With this difinition you can decide on the metrics of success by identifying what results are measurable and developing a clear target to aim for.  

Measurable results could be;
-  The increase in their customer base and market share.
-  The increase in the bottom line of their sales figures.
-  The increased productivity of their sales team and distribution systems.

Non-measurable results could be;
- Easier access to their products by their customers.
- Reduced stress for the sales team who now have a new tool to drive sales.
- Seeing their videos being enjoyed and shared by their customers.

All of which will result in making their shareholders happy.
